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I think it is an important distinction. Having an exclusively electric vehicle is distinctly different from the hybrid approach. That said, no publicity is bad publicity.

That said, iff they made a diesel version of the Volt that could run on biodiesel, I'd be all over it.
Strange that they would choose a Volt for that promotion - "Get rid of gasoline" . . . . unfortunatgely, not with a Chevy Volt. It has about the same 16 kwh battery as our cars, but since it weighs almost 3800 pounds and it's energy management system will only allow the use of about 10 kwh of the battery, it struggles to make 40 miles

"Reduce the use of gasoline" maybe - But a Volt owner is still buying gasoline . . . . if he's not, he bought the wrong car

Don said:
But a Volt owner is still buying gasoline . . . . if he's not, he bought the wrong car

I agree. On the other hand, as a pure EV owner, if I have to rent or borrow a gas car 5-10 times a year, when I could have used a Volt instead, you could say the same about me. Plus, there is value in having range insurance, even if it's purely psychological.

From personal experience, if the Volt had the same cargo space as our current Ford Focus Wagon ICE, we would have purchased it because we routinely (~ 10 times a year) carry more stuff than will fit in the i or have to go further than 60 miles - while charging infrastructure just isn't common enough to make it convenient in the i. Since we knew we had to keep the ICE for those longer/more cargo intensive trips anyway, we went with the smaller/more efficient EV (the i) that still gets used for most of our driving now. No regrets, I just wish we had more EV/PHEV choices.