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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2015
In my exploration of the internet for registration or purchase of i-Mievs, I came across this article:

The number indicated provoked my curiosity so I looked further and found a number of links discussing President Putin’s use of i-Mievs at the G20.

The i-Miev is still on sale in Russia:

Having never heard of the Russian interest, I thought this rather surprising. It is the single largest purchase of i-Mievs that I have heard of and leads me to wonder if they continue to use them.
Another large purchase by Ukraine police:
Russia needs a boost, some i-Miev sales:
Phximiev said:
Russia needs a boost, some i-Miev sales:
Twice the sales of the Nissan Leaf, and nearly as many as the Tesla Model S! :D
2015 Russian news on Putin's order to install charging stations, electric cars and i-Mievs:
Phximiev said:
2015 Russian news on Putin's order to install charging stations, electric cars and i-Mievs:
I love this quote: "…signed a decree on Aug. 27 requiring the owners of gas stations to equip their facilities with chargers for electric cars by Nov. 1, 2016…"

<off-topic rant>

Try that in the USA and lawyers would have such a decree (edict?) tied up in courts for ten years.

In contrast, it's sad that in this country the regulatory processes are so onerous as to preclude technologies from emerging. This one comes to mind:

More at hand, there are noises that the regulations for autonomous cars proposed by California DMV will drive current developers out of this state. For example:


Edit: Back on topic, I suspect that such a decree was made without input from the EV community - who wants to hang around a filthy smelly carcinogenic gas station for a few hours? Evidently, nothing was included about the chargers themselves, so I doubt that any gas station is going to voluntarily put in DCQC. While I'm bemused at the speed with which they want these chargers to get installed, I can't help but wonder what will really happen and how the chargers will be used? OTOH, knowing that every gas station has an EVSE will have a positive effect on people's EV perceptions. Now that I think about it some more, this will be a boon for city-folk, as so much of the population lives in multi-unit dwellings... but will they dare leave their precious EV at a gas station to charge overnight? Anyway, an interesting first step and might be worth a follow-up in a few months.
Gosh, I reread what I had written and hope I didn't leave the wrong impression, as in no way do I support or condone how Russia manages their country. Anyway, I did an edit to perhaps clarify how I view their implementation. Phximiev, I was wondering if you'd follow-up at the end of the year to find out what really happened there, as I can't imagine them getting all their gas stations outfitted with EVSEs by November?
JoeS said:
. . . Phximiev, I was wondering if you'd follow-up at the end of the year to find out what really happened there, as I can't imagine them getting all their gas stations outfitted with EVSEs by November?

I did send an email to the author of the article several days ago as he wrote the article in 2015 and the subject does deserve an update.

I am sure that we have a range of opinions as to how Russia operates. I grew up in the 50s and 60s living with the politics and impressions of those times. My father's impressions (being a WWII pilot and later a SAC pilot) were typical of those at the time. They were the bad guys.

But times change, we hope for the better.

And if we are going to beat the global warming problem, Russia has to become part of the solution.

And I still wonder about all of the 70 'Mievs that Putin ordered for his conference a few years back (see the links above).

And what is Mitsubishi's plan with respect to the 'Miev after 2017 in Russia?
Phximiev said:
...I did send an email to the author of the article several days ago as he wrote the article in 2015 and the subject does deserve an update...
I completely missed that she (Anastasia) published the article on September 6, 2015! :oops: ... and my premise was all wrong, as they had 14 months to implement the change, and not two months. I'll shut up now... :oops:
Phximiev said:
Another large purchase by Ukraine police:

Another large purchase from Mitsubishi:

"This marks the second time MMC has supplied vehicles under the Green Investment Scheme, the first being to deliver of 507 units of the i-MiEV all-new electric vehicle to the Government of Estonia starting in October 2011."

The revelation that they sold 507 'Mievs to Estonia was new to me. That's the largest sale I've heard of.
Ukraine police purchase 635 Outlander PHEVs:
Charging in Moscow:

Check the iMiev pictures.
Phximiev said:
Charging in Moscow:

Check the iMiev pictures.,15700023,15700124,15700126,15700149,15700168,15700173,15700186,15700191,15700201&usg=ALkJrhgchqr0H3WlnofTO7-gou8uuYoTiw

The above posted by Cooler258 (a plugshare name). This is a google translate of his iMiev webpage.